How to submit Friday Feels advice

Use the form below to provide a sentence or two about the advice you’ve received.

Please specify how you want your name printed and if you’re an author or reader. No worries if you don’t want to submit your full name. You can simply use a first name, first name and last initial, all initials, or nickname if you prefer, such as TB, Jane S, Jane, The Grumpy Reader. This is up to your comfort level.

For example: “Just keep going,” submitted by TB Markinson, Author.

Authors and readers can submit more than one piece of advice, but they won’t be featured more than once in a 90-day period.

After filling out all required boxes, hover mouse over dark grey button at the bottom of the form and the submit box will appear. When you click it, the form will disappear and it’ll say your advice has been submitted.